Japanese phrases in daily life
Excuse me / I'm ready to place an order! ( すみません )
Pronunciation: "sue me ma sen"
Sorry about that! (ごめんなさい!)
gomen nasai!
Pronunciation: "go men nah sigh"
Use this when you made a mistake or created a difficulty for someone. It is not used when you would normally say "Excuse me" in English.
Where is XYZ? ( XYZはどこですか?)
XYZ wa doko desuka?
Pronunciation: "XYZ wa doko dess ka?"
If you want to ask Where is the toilet?it is prononunced "Toyrey wa doko dess ka?" In this case, toilet has been shortened and pronounced in Japanese as "toyrey" or toire ( トイレ .)
XYZ please. (XYZ ください。)
XYZ kudasai.
Pronunciation: XYZ koodahsai
For example, if you want to ask for a coffee, say "koohii kudasai"
How much is this? (これはいくらですか?)
kore wa ikura desuka?
This これ
That それ
One of these please これを一つ下さい
kore wo hitotsu kudasai
Do you have an english menu? 英語のメニューはありますか
eigo no menyuu ha arimasuka?
Do you have a recommendation? おすすめはありますか、おすすめはなんですか
o susume wa arimasuka? / o susume ha nan desu ka?
It's delicious. 美味しいです
o ishii desu
Where is the toilet?トイレはどこですか
toire wa doko desuka?
Can I get the check please? お会計おねがいします、会計してください
o kaike onegai shimasu / kaike shite kudasai.
Can I get a receipt? 領収書ください
ryoshusho kudasai